Colliano White Wine with maceration 750 ml
Colliano White Wine with maceration 750 ml
How are orange wines made?
The answer is simple. Orange wines are wines produced from white grapes using the method for producing red wines. The key step for producing red wines is maceration, which is why orange wines are also known as macerated white wines. To produce white wines, we destem the harvested grapes and press them into must, which is then fermented separately. Orange wines, on the other hand, are produced like red wines, which means that after destemming grapes, must and grapes are poured into special containers, where must is fermented together with skins and seeds. This process, which can last from one day to a year, is called maceration. While the must is fermenting, skins and seeds are releasing compounds, which give colour and flavour to the wine. Therefore, orange wines have more tannins than white wines and are in this regard more similar to red wines. After maceration, grapes are pressed, and wine or fermenting must is separated from the skins – pomace. Wine then continues to ferment or age in wooden barrels or stainless-steel containers. The process of producing orange wines is longer than the one used to produce fresh white wines and is performed at higher temperatures. This is reflected in the structure of orange wines, which are richer in taste, more structured, and significantly different. Along with the primary fruity notes, we can sense secondary and tertiary notes of honey, almonds, dried fruit, and other ripe notes, which contribute to the nice complexity of these wines.