Avia Sweet Rose Wine 750 ml

Fruity and smooth rose with delightful sweet grape flavors and clean finish.

Avia Sweet Rose Wine 750 ml

Fruity and smooth rose with delightful sweet grape flavors and clean finish.
Alcohol:12.5% by vol.
Residual sugar:Sweet
Appearance, aroma and flavor
Appearance:Light pink.
Aroma:Wonderful berry and raspberry fruit-forward character.
Flavor:Nice mellow and fresh fruity juiciness.
Sommelier recommends
Food pairing:Party pleaser, poultry, soups, tapas, salads and pizza.
Aging potential:Up to 4 years.
Temperature:50-53 °F.
Production methods
Wine growing area:
Location of vineyards: W, E, N
Form of vineyards: Terraced
Altitude: 80 -250 m
Vine training: Single Guyot
Spacing: 700 vines/acre (4000 vines/ha)
Age of vineyards: 10-20 years
Soil type: Marl, sandstone
Climate: Sub-Mediterranean, a mixture of warm sea air and cold Alpine winds.
Grape variety: 75% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon.
Harvesting: Exclusively handpicked grapes.
Fermentation: Fermentation: 100% in stainless steel. Maturation: 100% stainless steel.